My system has not been able to install MS Updates for some time. I have beentrying to solve the problem with the recommendations listed in this group. Ihave run the bat files listed started and restarted the incryption servicewith auto on. In the process I have discovered that my system does not havethe update.inf file.
Even if all the related INF files are missing, the function, stabilty and performance of the Operating Systems is not affected at all. The only reason to install a missing INF file for a specific Intel Chipset Device is to get rid of the yellow flagged 'Missing driver' message within the Device Manager.
It isn't present even in a cab file. I will probablyhhave to run some process to build it. I have tried to have the auto updateinstalled but that won't happen because the site already sees it installed.Question: what process installs update.inf?
I am running XP with SP3. I havealso noticed that I cannot display my application, security, and system eventlogs.ThanksGrantcountyShenan Stanley12.04.10 18:33. Sounds like you are/have been infested/infected with some horrible thingsand/or you have some drive/file corruption going on.What is your current backup situation? In particular, your (things youcreated) documents (word, excel, powerpoint, open office, wordperfect, etc),Internet Favorites/Bookmarks, emails, contacts, pictures/photos/images,music/pother audio, installation files (executables), serial numbers andproduct keys, databases, etc and so on?
Best if you also have some sort offull image of the drive on your computer, but if you have at least yourstuff, the rest can be rebuilt around that.Here's my suggestion - it's a procedure, not a 'do this and try again, ifthat doesn't work, do this and try again' - but a 'do this, this, this,this, this and this and then try' thing. Long, easy, but time consuming.If nothing else, you will end up with a cleaner system and a lot of possibleissues will be eliminated.First - please verify the exact edition, version and architecture ofWindows XP you have:Press and hold down the Windows key on your keyboard and then press the'Pause/Break' key. Let go of both. This is equivalent in Windows XP tohaving right-clicked on the 'My Computer' icon and chosen 'Properties'from the menu that appears. When the new window appears - ensure you areunder the 'General' tab.
Is there.anything. in there to indicate youhave a 64-bit version of Windows XP, like the words, 'Windows XPProfessional x64 Edition Version'?Next we will get the edition and version information.Start button - RUN(no 'RUN'? Press the 'Windows Key' + R on your keyboard)- type in:winver- Click OK.The picture at the top of the window that opens will give you the general(Operating System name and edition) while the line starting with the word'version' will give you the rest of the story. Post both in responseto this message verbatim. No paraphrasing - instead - ensurecharacter-for-character copying.What version of Internet Explorer are you currently using? Easy to findout. Open Internet Explorer and while that is in-focus, press and holdthe 'ALT' key on your keyboard.
With the 'ALT' key still pressed, press(just once, no holding) the 'H' key. Now, with the 'ALT' key stillpressed, press (just once, no holding) the 'A' key. That will bring upthe 'About Internet Explorer' window. It will give you the exact versionyou are using - repeat what you see there in response to this message.Reboot so you start with a fresh machine. For everything here you willneed to logon as an user with administrative (installation) priviledges.Fix your file/registry permissions.Ignore the title and follow the sub-section under'Advanced Troubleshooting' titled,'Method 1: Reset the registry and the file permissions'.will take time. Ignore the last step (6) - you'll said you have SP3 already.You will likely see errors pass by if you watching, even count up. this time.After.
that is done, continue on to the next part where you clean offsome excess (unnecessary) files. It only removes those you definitelydo not need, if you follow the given. and do not deviate.So reboot (for each of these steps, it is just best to reboot rightbefore - but I will continue to point that out) and logon as an user withadministrative priviledges.Download/install the 'Windows Installer CleanUp Utility':After installing, do the following:Start button - RUN(no 'RUN'? Press the 'Windows Key' + R on your keyboard)- type in:'%ProgramFiles%Windows Installer Clean Upmsizap.exe' g!- Click OK.(The quotation marks and percentage signs and spacing should be exact.)It will flash by.quick., don't expect much out of this step to getexcited about. What anti-virus application or security suite is installed and is yoursubscription current?
What anti-spyware applications (other than Defender)?What third-party firewall (if any)?Has a(another) Norton or McAfee application ever been installed on thecomputer (e.g., a free-trial version that came preinstalled when you boughtit)?How do I reset Windows Update components?:For home users, no-charge support is available by calling 1-866-PCSAFETY(and/or 1-866-234-6020 and/or 1-800-936-5700) in the United States and inCanada or by contacting your local Microsoft subsidiary. There is no-chargefor support calls that are associated with security updates. Thank you all for the responses.
The response from Shenan is requring a lotof time, and I have some pressing tasks to take care of. I won't say that ithas anything to do with April 15. It will be a few days before I get backwith you, and I didn't want you to think that I just jumped in and out. I didreset the Update area because I was prticularly interested in doing that. Itcleared the list of updates and only had the two I am trying to install:kb978601 and kb979309 listed as failed. My previouse updates are still in the'Add Remove Prog' list. It is looking more like I will reload the OS.
But Ihave one of those systems without a disk. Only a system recovery area on theHD. I will advise one way or the other.
Thanks again.' Shenan Stanley' wrote. And save it to the root of your C: drive. After saving it to the root of the C: drive, do the following: Close all Internet Explorer windows and other applications. Start button - RUN and type in:%SystemDrive%windowsupdateagent30-x86.exe /WUFORCE - Click OK.
(If asked, select 'Run.) - Click on NEXT - Select 'I agree' and click on NEXT - When it finishes installing, click on 'Finish'. Reboot and logon as administrative user. Visit this web page: How do I reset Windows Update components?. And click on the 'Microsoft Fix it' icon. When asked, select 'RUN',.