An EON based 3D simulation and interactive learning (3D SaIL) module developed at Temasek Polytechnic in Singapore for the polytechnic's Diploma in Aerospace Engineering programme.
There are a wide variety of gas turbines in service and planned in the power utility industry. Michael McClintock is a Vice President with FCS.
During his twenty-two years with FCS, Mike has provided a range of training, engineering and technical services in support of our power and process plant customers. This experience includes conducting training assessments, designing and developing training programs and conducted hundreds of hours of classroom, plant and simulator training sessions. Mike’s experience includes 10 plus years working for gas and steam turbine manufacturers, extensive experience in all aspects of power plant engineering, plus years of experience assisting customer’s in optimizing the performance of their plants and staffs.Mike is a registered Professional Engineer (Retired) in the State of Maryland and holds a NIULPE Chief Engineer Certification.
Ions - Search all of the collections listed below at once.Technical Reports - Scientific and technical (S&T) reports conveying results of Defense-sponsored research, development, test and evaluation (RDT&E) efforts on a wide range of topics. Collection includes both citations and many full-text, downloadable documents from mid-1900s to present.AULIMP - Air University Library Index to Military Periodicals.Subject index to significant articles, news items, and editorials from military and aeronautical periodicals, with citations from 1988 to present.BRD - Biomedical Research Database. Developed from federally funded research, testing and training programs; updated annually.Congressional Budget Data (CBD) - Congressional Budget Data Provides detailed search and analysis capabilities across the military departments and agencies for Research Development Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) data. DTIC's PDF and Excel spreadsheet versions of Congressional Budget reports are available shortly after postings on Thomas (Library of Congress) website.DoD Labs and S&T - Allows users to query the DoD laboratory community or other sites identified as related to S&T organizations.DTIC Online - This search queries the DTIC Online Public Web site.NDIA - National Defense Industrial Association Conference Proceedings. Collection of presentations from NDIA-sponsored conferences.RDDS - R-2s furnish narrative information on Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) programs and Program Elements (PE Numbers) within the Department of Defense (DoD).SCAMPI - Staff College Automated Military Periodical Index. Database of articles on military and naval science, operational warfare, joint planning, national and international politics, and other areas researched by Joint Forces Staff College from 1985 to present.WHS - Washington Headquarters Service.
Department of Defense (DoD) Issuances (current and cancelled), Joint Staff and other U.S. Military (i.e., Army, Navy, Air Force) service publications, Administrative Instructions, Directive-Type Memorandums and DoD Forms. Accession Number: ADA466188Title: Performance Prediction and Simulation of Gas Turbine Engine Operation for Aircraft, Marine, Vehicular, and Power GenerationDescriptive Note: Final rept.Corporate Author: NATO RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY ORGANIZATION NEUILLY-SUR-SEINE (FRANCE)Full Text:Report Date: Feb 2007Pagination or Media Count: 651Abstract: A Technical Team of the NATO RTO has created a report on gas turbine simulation, ranging from applications to latest methodology of modeling techniques for gas turbine propulsion applications. The report includes examples of how gas turbine numerical simulations have been utilized for aircraft, marine, and vehicular propulsion applications.
The major numerical simulation presented in the report is the gas turbine engine cycle code which provides performance for both steady state and transient operation. In addition to examples of how cycle codes are used, an in-depth discussion of how cycle codes are constructed and what basic assumptions are involved is given in the report. Additional higher order and specific numerical simulations for component design and operation are presented in the appendices to this report. Present computer platforms in use for such models are reviewed, and an outlook on development is given. The report aims at increasing the use and the value of engine computer simulations in NATO Nations and NATO's design and use of engines.Descriptors:.MATHEMATICAL MODELS,.COMPUTERIZED SIMULATION,.PERFORMANCE(ENGINEERING),.GAS TURBINES,COMPUTER PROGRAMS,METHODOLOGY,MARINE PROPULSION,MILITARY VEHICLES,VERIFICATION,VALIDATION,AIRCRAFT ENGINES,ENGINE COMPONENTSSubject Categories: Jet and Gas Turbine EnginesAircraftSurface Transportation and EquipmentMarine EngineeringDistribution Statement: APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE.