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Uses e-mail to keep everyone informed. Maintains a complete audit trail of all actions. Extensive reports supplied. Easy.Size: 5.1 MB, Price: USD $950.00, License: Shareware, Author: Leigh Business Enterprises Ltd. telah mencapai usia sedekad bermula sejak 2006 sehingga 2016. Alhamdulillah, syukur tidak terhingga kepada Allah s.w.t. Kerana masih beroperasi dan sentiasa mempunyai peminat yang setia. Adobe flash player 9 free. Terima kasih di atas sokongan semua. In Sya Allah, sempena 10 tahun kelahiran saya akan membuat sedikit pembaharuan dan penambahbaikan ke atas laman ini. Jawi Software in title. LBE Desktop Helpdesk Business & Productivity Tools - Application, Shareware, $950.00, 5.1 MB. LBE Web Helpdesk. Easy to use helpdesk software - sensibly priced. No extensive training required. Easily configured to reflect the way that you work. Uses e-mail to keep everyone informed.
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