IOIO Developer Getting Started GuideImportant note: This guide is intended for people who develop IOIO, not people who develop with IOIO. A user guide will soon be published too. However, one important point to stress is that IOIO users are not required to do any sort of embedded programming, nor are they required to set up a development environment for PIC. The mainstream usage of IOIO involves only Android programming and the entire functionality of the board is exposed via a Java API.If you're only interested in that sort of usage, until there's proper documentation, you might want to download the code and have a look at software/IOIOLib as well as at some sample apps (e.g.
Software/IOIOSimpleApp).Important note 2: This guide is slightly outdated. It will eventually be fixed, but this is a lower priority than some of the other stuff that's going on. My apologies in advance.Setting Up Your Environment###HardwareYou'll need:. A IOIO (dah!). A programmer that can program PIC24FJxxxDAxxx. The cheapest one is probably a PICKit3 clone, like. You'll only need the programmer for flashing the bootloader or for line-by-line debugging.
4.1.Loading program with bootloader. Download MPLAB IDE Full Release Zipped Installation at the microchip website under. Graphic library, TCP/IP stack, Accessory Framework for Android™ and etc. Robokits India PICKIT3 USB PIC Programmer/Debugger RKI-1344 - Microchip’s PICkit 3 In-Circuit Debugger/Programmer uses in-circuit debugging logic incorporated into each chip with Flash memory to provide a low-cost hardware debugger and programmer. The PICkit3 allows debugging and programming of PIC and dsPIC Flash microcontrollers using the powerful graphical user interface of the MPLAB. README for PICkit™ 3 Debug Express For the latest information on using the PICkit 3 Debug Express, read the “ Readme for PICkit 3.htm” file (an HTML file) in the Readmes subdirectory of the MPLAB IDE installation directory. The Readme file contains updated information and known issues that may not be included in this user’s guide.
If you have a IOIO with the proper bootloader already installed, you can develop firmware and run it on the device without a programmer. An Android device.
.OverviewYou can quite easily brick a PICkit3 when using it with the buggy standalone apps Microchip has written (especially when attempting to download the standalone OS to it). Here is how to unbrick a unresponsive PICkit3. You Will NeedAside from the bricked PICkit3 you a trying to fix, you will also need:. A working PICkit3 to program the bricked PICkit3 with. A standard 6-pin, 2.54mm header strip and some small bits of wire for converting J2 on the bricked PICkit3 into a something we can program with the working PICkit3. The standalone PICkit3 v3.01 or similar application written by Microchip that allows you to program with the PICkit3 (it also provides the hex file we will be downloading to the bricked PICkit3).Unbricking Steps.Remove the PCB from the PICkit 3 enclosure. Download missing update.inf file free.
The connections we are interested in for programming a those circled in yellow (J2).